Monday, March 17, 2008

Middle of did this happen?

Well, things are coming along. I've got 10 pages of 25 for my IPIAT paper. And I'm hoping to get a few more written today. (Have already written two or three this morning and it's not yet 10am!)

Other project for this week? Figure out what to wear to the presentation. No idea.

Final project? Organize ushers, musicians, cd table & food people for the big night. Am thinking I'll rent glasses and linens so that it looks nice in the Upper East Hall for the reception. Of course, planning like this begs the question, "How many are you execting?" And the answer is, "No idea."

Oh well. Back to it. Meanwhile, if you didn't fall for the link at the beginning, check out

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey Andrea... I'd be happy to "ush" or man a table for you, if you need volunteers! Let me know.