Friday, November 10, 2006

quite a day...

Friday is a quasi-work day for me...usually a couple hours of teaching and then errands, etc.

Gordon had today off we slept in, then I went off to teach.

We ate a quick lunch, caught A GOOD YEAR at Metrotown (good movie...we liked it!), drove out to Langley to meet Sue, our friend who has spent the better part of the last 3 1/2 years in Lebanon and returns next week. Following coffee we picked up our friends who have just returned to Canada from 3 years in Chad. We took them out for dinner and had a great "kill the fatted calf" kind of evening.

On the way home, just in case we hadn't packed enough into the day, Gordon gave me a crash course in Phonetics. Bilabial fricatives, egressive pulmonary airflow, voiced, voiceless, plosive... all sorts of crazy things. :)

I'm ready for a little sleep ...

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