Wednesday, January 24, 2007

You know you haven't posted in awhile when...

...your mom requests updated pics of your plants. :)

So for all of your viewing pleasure and for the satisfaction of your are a couple of pics...I can't make the first one you'll have to crane your necks or turn your monitors on their sides. Sorry!

Meanwhile, I am feeling much better. Actually figuring out how this semester's schedule will work, enjoying the Christian Imagination reading list, and feeling like it's a great idea to have part of my homework to be to sit at a piano and just be creative.



audrey said...

i'm requesting a new description of me. i come off boring in comparison to your other links. call it vanity.

Beth said...

Well, I quite like your description of ME in your links. I like being known as faithful.

And by the way, Andrea, I am officially tagging you. Read my blog for details...