Wednesday, October 31, 2007

how life swallowed October and facebook ate my blog

October was supposed to be the month that made up for September.

Instead, October was busy in its own octoberly way. Nine days in Ontario. A three day working weekend away at Semiahmoo(good place to have to be if one must spend the weekend working). Not a whole lot of studying or project time. I did set three more Anne Steele texts, but I really haven't spent the kind of time I should have.

Then there is the question of facebook. I know there are many opinions, but during these two months of craziness, facebook has been a great way to stay connected with friends and family even if I don't have time (or mental capacity) to string sentences together. I'm afraid, however, that facebok may be distracting me from writing profound things on my blog. My apologies. Then again, perhaps nothing I would have written here would have been at all profound anyway. :)

I have no idea what to expect of November except that I have a presentation, a worship service assessment and a paper due. Plus my Integrative project proposal. Okay, maybe I know a little of what to expect.

Happy Eve of All Saints.

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