Saturday, March 01, 2008

updates on several fronts...

1. Recording is almost done. One more guitar track and a few straggling bass and organ lines.


It's been fun, but kind of all-consuming and I've found myself resenting how my "normal life" has been getting in the way. :)

Lesson #1: Next time, I'm going to quit my normal life for the duration of recording.

2. I have been privileged to have friends and family play on this album - and it's been fantastic.

Lesson #2: It's a very good idea to have talented friends and family.

3. Concert is set for Saturday, March 29th, 7:30pm at Tenth Avenue Church. If all goes well, it should be a CD release as well! So March holds concert prep and paper-writing. I'm just starting to work on spreading the word about the concert as I'd really like to play to as full a house as possible...feel free to spread the word yourselves; it's definitely a 'come one, come all' kind of event! (There's a facebook event if that's an easier way.)

Lesson #3: There's a lot of admin to do for a CD project, concert, etc. If only there weren't also a paper to write!

4. Pastors' Conference brochure is out (see )

Lesson #4: Don't assume that listing people together makes them peers... Marva Dawn, Bruce Hindmarsh, Darrell Johnson, Andrea Tisher (one of these is not like the others!)

1 comment:

Beth said...

I personally was quite delighted by the Pastor's Conference brochure, seeing you listed there with the big shots. I think pastors could learn a lot from you. So there.

Also, I'm very excited for March 29th!