Thursday, July 06, 2006

New Location

Well, I've moved. Not physically, just a cyber move. But if you ever want to look at OLD posts, there on

Meanwhile, moving over here allows me a little more control over the site, including being able to include the REVGALBLOGPALS ring link on my site which I could never figure out how to do at the other site. :)

This is day 4 of 25 Summer School Chapels. Whew. Seems like having hiked for awhile and realizing you're still at the bottom of the mountain. But it has been good so far. Good participation, better numbers that I had expected, and enough people interested in being involved in some way.

Meanwhile, TA'ing for Edna's class on "Planning Theologically Sound Worship" has been great. The material is interesting. (and o-so-practical) and it has been good to meet the folks in the class and to be a part of their conversations and learning process.

More to come.

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